A Rubik's Cube of Ethical Dilemmas Faced by General and Corporate Counsels

Ethics and the resolution of ethical dilemmas have been, and continue to, an area of indelible and deep interest to me. This focus of ethics and the related dilemmas has been with me since I was a child, as a Certified Public Accountant, and in all the roles in which I have been involved, personally and professionally. As Vice President and Associate General Counsel at JPMorgan, I was a member of the Global Conflict of Interest Committee for JPMorgan and I was the Committee’s representative in Texas. The first article that I penned for the Houston Bar Association when I was featured as “Profile in Professionalism” was centered on the subject matter of ethics and the ethical duties of an attorney. Basically, thought the subject matter of the many articles that I have written for the Texas Lawyer is not directly on ethics, the theme within those articles on diversity and inclusion is squarely about “doing the right and ethical thing.”

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